Monday, May 3, 2010

Link #2 for Today

I found this post via 168 Hours and Justin Taylor. Go here to catch Jared Wilson explaining 10 reasons to under-program your church.

My early experience of ministry involved feeling guilt about not doing enough. I was employed by a church for 2 years and ended up discovering the freedom of been involved in ministry on a voluntary basis. Now, my husband is paid to minister in a church and I can be involved as his wife. I actually do similar things now, but definitely put less pressure on myself.

That said, I do find myself thinking, "What else should we be doing as a church?" It's easy to get diary/busyness envy when other people in ministry can share the worthy and valuable programs they run. I measure myself with others and find myself wanting. It's also easy to wear your congregation out, or keep them from having any time to get to know their neighbours.

My husband is different to me. He came to our present church with a long-term view that he didn't want to burn out. Seven or eight years ago he shared his thoughts with me about how he didn't want to burden our church with programs. He made most of these 10 points to me then.

Sometimes I have doubted him (why am I so good at doing that to the person who can benefit so much from my confidence?), and felt the urge to "do more". But gradually I have come to see his wisdom and seen its fruit, too. It seems that famous US pastors are agreeing with him, too!

PS. I know a couple of you who read this blog have enjoyed preaching from my husband in the past. Stay tuned, because we will start podcasting his sermons from church soon. I'll post a link when it's set up.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Makes sense to me as one who feels the weight of too many programs at church!