His polished smile and prepped answers draw me in. It's a performance he's perfected. He's saying its all OK now, but is it? Does gut-tearing shame heal like changing the TV channel, or from reading inspiration in the Women's Weekly? He almost convices me that it does. But when he speaks real, honest words, I can see he's on the edge, too. Of tears. Of giving up. Of seeking real change.
This place of pain and of struggle and the wrestle between life and death. The mingling of despair and hope, where all I can add is my pittance that 'it will be OK'. And this says nothing substantial, or solid, to cling to.
I can listen, too. Especially to the feelings and thoughts that we're not supposed to have. Like being angry at your husband who just died, leaving you to mop up his life. Or that you wish you were dead because the hole you are in feels endless, and dark, and crushing.
So many rules about how we should feel, how we should act, how we should live. I think about religious men questioning why Jesus didn't follow certain customs or rituals, and his answer I'm reading over and over. Puzzling how to absorb it and live it.
I desire mercy not sacrifice.
It's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick.
What does it mean to live a merciful life, and then also know that I'm one of the sick, too? A merciful life, but not a proud one.
Remembering that I'm welcomed in the same way - embraced with my messy heart and unruly feelings - needing mercy too. Us and them just doesn't work. It needs to be me among all of us. All of us sinners who need mercy. All of us lost, needing to be found. Everyone sick and needing a doctor.
linking with emily...

nice...i just came from sandras where she was talking of finding god among the mess and i find your IP resonates as well...i desire mercy...that tugs at me and makes me think not only of my own needed mercy but also that which i can give...
kath... i really want to post this tomorrow at my blog as a guest post; if you get this message by then, let me know if this is okay with you. so, so moved by this piece. (ps. if you could email me it as a word attachment, with a photo, that would be so great, but i understand if you can't: wierenga.emily@gmail.com. xo
here from emily's...
i love this piece so much. mercy is something i cherish deeply and pray to give, always. lovely writing. thank you.
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